Saturday, February 26, 2005

Telling Stories THE GUIDE

Telling stories to a group of people is one of the best ways to generate
attraction in pick-up when done correctly. What follows are several things to
consider when choosing and crafting stories for use in the field during
attraction phases. They're more guidelines than hard and fast rules, as you
can break most of them when you know what you're doing.

1. Story material- This is close to a no-brainer. Choose stories that are
interesting, fun and GIRL RELEVANT! Avoid stories about distasteful subjects,
i.e. death, car accidents, bad breakups, etc. Usually these stories are funny.
Use stories you tell often to friends and new people that get big laughs.

2. Be succinct. Write your story out word for word and then gut it. Get rid
of everything the listener doesn't need to know and doesn't care about. It's
essential that you're ruthless here. Better to cut too much than too little.
State the boring but necessary details as succinctly as possible.

3. Lead in- This is how you start the story. The lead in should be congruent
with the story to follow. Communicate using words, tonality and energy the
type of story to follow. Some examples are, 'Oh my God, the
funniest/craziest/weirdest thing happened to me the other day!' or 'Did you
guys ever notice XXX?' or 'You'll never believe this, check it out''

4. Initial hook- An initial hook is something that makes peoples' ears perk up.
It should be as close to the beginning of the story as possible and should be
specifically chosen to make people lean in and pay attention. If your story is
about something that happened to you at an S & M party, put that part up front!

Telling Stories THE GUIDE

: "Story Theory for Use in Pick-up

Telling stories to a group of people is one of the best ways to generate
attraction in pick-up when done correctly. What follows are several things to
consider when choosing and crafting stories for use in the field during
attraction phases. They�re more guidelines than hard and fast rules, as you
can break most of them when you know what you�re doing.

1. Story material- This is close to a no-brainer. Choose stories that are
interesting, fun and GIRL RELEVANT! Avoid stories about distasteful subjects,
i.e. death, car accidents, bad breakups, etc. Usually these stories are funny.
Use stories you tell often to friends and new people that get big laughs.

2. Be succinct. Write your story out word for word and then gut it. Get rid
of everything the listener doesn�t need to know and doesn�t care about. It�s
essential that you�re ruthless here. Better to cut too much than too little.
State the boring but necessary details as succinctly as possible.

3. Lead in- This is how you start the story. The lead in should be congruent
with the story to follow. Communicate using words, tonality and energy the
type of story to follow. Some examples are, �Oh my God, the
funniest/craziest/weirdest thing happened to me the other day!� or �Did you
guys ever notice XXX?� or �You�ll never believe this, check it out��

4. Initial hook- An initial hook is something that makes peoples� ears perk up.
It should be as close to the beginning of the story as possible and should be
specifically chosen to make people lean in and pay attention. If your story is
about something that happened to you at an S & M party, put that part up front!

Telling Stories THE GUIDE

: "Story Theory for Use in Pick-up

Telling stories to a group of people is one of the best ways to generate
attraction in pick-up when done correctly. What follows are several things to
consider when choosing and crafting stories for use in the field during
attraction phases. They�re more guidelines than hard and fast rules, as you
can break most of them when you know what you�re doing.

1. Story material- This is close to a no-brainer. Choose stories that are
interesting, fun and GIRL RELEVANT! Avoid stories about distasteful subjects,
i.e. death, car accidents, bad breakups, etc. Usually these stories are funny.
Use stories you tell often to friends and new people that get big laughs.

2. Be succinct. Write your story out word for word and then gut it. Get rid
of everything the listener doesn�t need to know and doesn�t care about. It�s
essential that you�re ruthless here. Better to cut too much than too little.
State the boring but necessary details as succinctly as possible.

3. Lead in- This is how you start the story. The lead in should be congruent
with the story to follow. Communicate using words, tonality and energy the
type of story to follow. Some examples are, �Oh my God, the
funniest/craziest/weirdest thing happened to me the other day!� or �Did you
guys ever notice XXX?� or �You�ll never believe this, check it out��

4. Initial hook- An initial hook is something that makes peoples� ears perk up.
It should be as close to the beginning of the story as possible and should be
specifically chosen to make people lean in and pay attention. If your story is
about something that happened to you at an S & M party, put that part up front!

Telling Stories THE GUIDE

: "Story Theory for Use in Pick-up

Telling stories to a group of people is one of the best ways to generate
attraction in pick-up when done correctly. What follows are several things to
consider when choosing and crafting stories for use in the field during
attraction phases. They�re more guidelines than hard and fast rules, as you
can break most of them when you know what you�re doing.

1. Story material- This is close to a no-brainer. Choose stories that are
interesting, fun and GIRL RELEVANT! Avoid stories about distasteful subjects,
i.e. death, car accidents, bad breakups, etc. Usually these stories are funny.
Use stories you tell often to friends and new people that get big laughs.

2. Be succinct. Write your story out word for word and then gut it. Get rid
of everything the listener doesn�t need to know and doesn�t care about. It�s
essential that you�re ruthless here. Better to cut too much than too little.
State the boring but necessary details as succinctly as possible.

3. Lead in- This is how you start the story. The lead in should be congruent
with the story to follow. Communicate using words, tonality and energy the
type of story to follow. Some examples are, �Oh my God, the
funniest/craziest/weirdest thing happened to me the other day!� or �Did you
guys ever notice XXX?� or �You�ll never believe this, check it out��

4. Initial hook- An initial hook is something that makes peoples� ears perk up.
It should be as close to the beginning of the story as possible and should be
specifically chosen to make people lean in and pay attention. If your story is
about something that happened to you at an S & M party, put that part up front!

Sunday, February 20, 2005


Okay, I came up with this today while actually on the street - it's a little
rough around the edges, polish it your liking...I admit it has only been
field-tested once because it immediatly opened and I ran a great set
afterwards, then had to go for Bowling Training...

But it's so damn funny, I want to share.

What I did: Vienna, inner city has a place around the St. Stephens Cathedral
which is all pedestrian area. There are a lot of places people use to wait for
their friends.
One of these is a set of small street lights...waist-high...
doesn't really matter, all you need is a specific place. At these place, you
want to have TONS of HBs running past - in this big city it's absolutly doable.

Okay, so I'm standing there at one of those lights, and some HB7 is waiting a
few steps left of me - I make the "come here" gesture with my index finger, she
goes like "Me?", I nod YES and tell her to stand exactly where I'm standing.

Then I jump a few steps away from her, basically screaming "I'm free, I'm free

I go on to tell her how I was cursed by an old women to stand there, exactly at
this place, till I can find someone willing to take my position, otherwise the
St- Stephens Cathedral will vanish into the ground. --Doesn't matter what you
come up with, just find something cruel and terrible...whatever.

Of course she doesn't belive - but if she's cool and your made a good first
impression, she's going to play along. Just lay on the bullshit FAT and be

Then one of her friends shows up, and she tells him the story and how she can't
move away - then some beggar comes up and she tries to get him to stand in her
place so she can get away from there again...all the while I'm doing C&F on her
how I've been standing there for three days, and she may have to stay till
winter hoping she won't freeze to dead...and that there's gonna be street party
on saturday and people may actually bring her food and water etc...

Total role playing.

Finally her boyfriend shows up, togehter with the friend from before (both cool
black dudes) and she makes her boyfriend take her position. When he finally
moves away, and the church doesn't crumble to pieces I blame it on him being
black and the curse only working on white people etc...

At that time we had already come up with the topic how it would be to have sex
there during the night (because she can't obviously move away) and if her
boyfriend has a huge dick because he's black - C&F and bullshitting her to the
extreme. She was LOVING it.

Eventually I spent half an hour walking the streets with the three guys (her
two friends & HB7) and I'm so totally gaming HER in front of her boyfriend...he
was cool guy, didn't even try to AMOG. When we pause somewhere I tell her she
should use the "curse" story to get other chicks wo pass by to flirt with me
etc...and she's really trying...

Also, I used it as shit-test breaker. Like she's saying "you've been trying to
pick me up, huh?" and I go "whatever, I just wanted to get away from that spot,
I would have accepted the beggar as well"...

Also came up with a nice answer to "are you gay"...I told her the city didn't
have enough beautiful women to restrict myself like that, so I'm taking boys,
girls, pets etc....

This was a fucking money set, with crazy high energy, and I think thats because
of the crazy high energy opener. I #closed her (simple handed her my cell, got
her real number) and qualified them three to hang out on saturday with me...

Sorry if it reads like a field report, all the interactions I descripe centers
around the opener-frame, so that's why I think it's a valid post in tactics.

Basically it's such a bullshit opener, it's immediatly into C&F and busting
her. Use it as callback humour, use it to make her open other chicks for you,
it's crazy shit.

I'm gonna field-test the shit out of this some more. I love crazy openers like

Also going to expand it into something similar...chatting up chicks waiting
somewhere, along the lines of "hey, congratulations, you're doing a great job
guarding this lamp post etc..."


"I know this is majorly OT but it's too helpful a suggestion not to share. It is estimated that 85% of bad breath is ue to bacterial build-up on the tongue. I just got a tongue scraper today and I was unbelievably shocked at what I was able to scrape off of my tongue with this thing! The first run will be nasty, but seriously get one!"

Common mistakes & Solutions

Howdy boys!

OK playas, this is from my experience after the trip to London and meeting up
with the RSD crew as well as Loverboy, Richie, Dino and a few other PUAs.

During my trip, I realized that a lot of the inexperienced guys all have pretty
much the same problems and make the same mistakes.

Here’s a list of the most obvious ones and IMO how to solve them:

Common mistake #1: Approaching for the sake of approaching

This is where guys approach every chick that they see just for the sake of
approaching her. I mean they don’t feel any real attraction for her, they only
approach cuz they don’t want to be looked down on by the “community”. Seems
like a lot of the guys feel like they have to approach EVERY decent looking
chick to be considered a PUA. Nothing could be further from the truth.

This is OK if you’re out doing boot camp or trying to get over your fear of
approaching, etc. But I’ve seen this from guys who have no fear of approaching
at all. And they approach and approach and approach, etc. I swear I’ve seen
guys approach more chicks in 1 day than I approach in an entire month. AT THE
MOST I’LL approach 7-10 chicks a week, over 2 nights of sarging, that’s all I

I know, I know “But Razorjack, your game is much more efficient than most of
the guys on this board!”

This is true, but DON’T MISS THE VITAL POINT! There is a reason WHY my game is
more efficient! And here it is:

When a guy approaches this fucking much, it becomes routine and mundane. He
becomes an APPROACH ROBOT that feels absolutely NOTHING for the chick he’s
gaming. Then all of a sudden, you come across like a sleazy used-car salesman
trying to get rid of a piece of shit on wheels to the next available customer.
He doesn’t give a shit who that customer is or what the customer wants etc. If
you were the customer, would you want to buy a car from a guy who treats you
like this?

Now put yourself in the chick’s shoes. And if I notice this from observation,
don’t you guys think that the chicks you’re approaching notice this as well??!!

Then guess what? It doesn’t matter how many routines, tricks, C&F, disinterest,
gimmicks, etc you throw out, you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell.


Be GENUINELY attracted to a chick before approaching. I’m talking about
actually allowing yourself to FEEL something for the chick.

OK, I know there are A LOT of guys here that used to be or still are AFCs and I
know that a lot of guys, including my self, that have been rejected, hurt,
humiliated, heart-broken, etc after having developed feelings for a chick. And
so there is a natural fear of “opening” up that part of you that actually feels
something for chicks. So what happens is, that FEAR causes guys to close
themselves off from feeling anything for chicks.

And guys, don’t start ranting about how it’s not about fear and chicks want
“Alpha” guys that aren’t into them, etc. Unless you’re interested in a few
LSE/psycho chicks, then it’s nothing but a bunch of keyboard jockeying, mental
masturbating, seducing from the armchair bullshit. Trust me on this guys, I’ve
been out in the field and actually TRIED to PU like this.

BTW, I’m not saying that you should go head over heels over a chick, develop
one-itis, etc.

You have to find a balance here, you feel enough to be genuine and at the same
time not ashamed of expressing your desires as a man, but you don’t go
overboard by supplicating, kissing ass, etc for a chick who hasn’t done
anything for you other than look good. This comes with experience, but just
like every other aspect of the game, IT CAN BE PRACTICED AND ACHIEVED!

Common mistake #2: Not knowing where to take the PU or what to do next.

You guys know what I’m talking about. How many of you guys approach chicks,
open the set and have no idea what to do or say next? Has this ever happened to

Razorjack raises his hand. Yes boys I’ve been there myself and believe it or
not, the solution here is REALLY simple!


GOALS!!!! Have both long-term goals and short-term goals!

Long term goals are stuff like what you want to do with your life, what type of
chicks you want, how you want to interact with chicks, what you would like to
do with chicks, etc. Read my posts “How do YOU want to PU?” and “Make PU a Part
of You/Being One With Your Game.” This shit isn’t easy, but I can’t stress the
importance of this. This is hard work but I can promise you it’s worth the
effort! This is where the essence of self-confidence comes from.

Short-term goals are stuff like, what it is you want with a particular chick
before you approach: #close, day2 meet-up, fclose, etc.

Yeah, here it comes! :)

“Razorjack, how the hell is this shit supposed to help us PU chicks now??!!”

Easy boys! Now instead of trying to come with a clever C&F statement or running
a pointless routine, you now have something to FOCUS on!

Here’s an example:

I got in touch with Loverboy before my trip to London and he got us on a few
guest lists for the more exclusive nightclubs. Nice work LB! :) But some of the
clubs wanted 50/50 ratios of guys and chicks, ie we needed to bring chicks with

So we decided to pick up chicks on the street and get them to come with us. So
LB, Richie, Dino and me are walking around in a plaza, don’t remember the name.
We spot a tent set up for selling PC games. There were these 2 HOT model chicks
giving away t-shirts. Clearly these chicks are there to get computer geeks to
come in and try the games.

Anyways LB, Richie and Dino go in and start talking to the chicks first. I
don’t think it’s going anywhere so I decided to go in. Now keep in mind that my
goal with these chicks is to #close them and get them to come with us to a
night club the next night. Now my goal is all that I’m focused on from the
opener to close:

RJ(smiling): Man, you 2 look like the biggest computer geeks I’ve ever seen!
HB1(both HBs smiling back): Yes we are!
HB2: Yeah, we can’t get enough of these games! :)
RJ: I bet! You know I love your British accents!
HB1: Thanks! So where are you from?
RJ: Well I live in Sweden but I’m originally an American.
HB2: Yeah, I thought you sounded like a yank!
RJ(laughing): Yeah I know we’re all idiots and assholes!
HB2: No, I really like yanks! They’re great!

Razorjack slides his arm around HB2’s waist right in front of everybody there!

RJ(smiling): Oh really! You’re like my new best friend here in London!
Dino(joking): Hey Razorjack, I think she likes you!

The chick doesn’t say anything, but just smiles. OK now only 2 minutes have
gone by and all I did up to this point was just get the chicks comfortable with
me talking to them. Now here’s where I start going in for the close.

RJ: Hey listen, I’m only a tourist here for a few days. What would you
recommend I see and do?
HB1: Bla bla
RJ: OK cool! My buddy LB has gotten me on the guest list for this club XXX
tomorrow. Have you 2 ever been there?
HB2: Yeah that’s a pretty good place. You should also check out xxxx.
HB1: Yeah I also like club YYYY.
RJ: So you think club XXX is definitely worth checking out?
HB2: Oh yeah, totally.
RJ: OK, I’ll definitely go then. Here’s the deal I heard that we’re suppose to
have a 50/50 ratio of guys and girls when we get there. Why don’t you 2 join me
tomorrow and show me what London is all about!
HB2: Yeah, sure!

Razorjack whips out his cell phone! :)
RJ: OK so give me your number and we’ll get in touch tomorrow.
HB2: Oh! I can’t give my number out to a stranger!
RJ(smiling): Of course you can’t! You can never trust strangers! So give me
your number and I’ll get in touch with you tomorrow!
HB2(smiling): No, how about if we meet you there instead.
RJ: Oh c’mon! If you 2 can’t make it tomorrow then I’m screwed!
HB2: OK why don’t you give me your number and I’ll call you.
RJ(smiling): Yeah right! You think I’m gonna give MY number out to a
stranger??!! You could be a psycho stalker for all I know!

Both HBs are laughing now! Now Razorjack goes in for the kill! :)

HB2: Why don’t you guys just go and meet girls on the street and ask them to
join you.
RJ(smiling): Well what the hell do you think I’m doing NOW??!!
HB2(joking): OK, I’ll give you my boyfriend’s number!
RJ(joking back): Great! I’ll let him know that you thought I was cute and that
me and him would be perfect for each other! Although my gf probably wouldn’t
appreciate it!
HB2(laughing): No! Don’t do that!
RJ(joking around): OK then give me YOUR number so I can post it all over the
HB2(laughing and shaking her head): No I can’t do that!
RJ(laughing): Hey if you’re expecting me to get your number and stalk you
long-distance from Sweden, then don’t hold your breath! I did that once and it
nearly bankrupted my ass!
HB2(laughing): Yeah I bet it did!
RJ(smiling): Hey look, if you’re not gonna give me your number then give me a
FAKE number!
HB2(shocked look on her face): Are you serious? You want a FAKE number?
RJ(smiling): Sure why not! You chicks give out fake numbers all the time!
HB2(still shocked): I don’t believe you! You really want a FAKE number?
RJ(smiling): No of course not silly! I want your REAL number, but I don’t want
to stand out here all day begging for it. Look, I’m only gonna send ONE SMS
tomorrow and if you wanna come with us, then comes with us. If you can’t make
it then just say so and I’ll find some other chicks go with us.

Here I give her my cell and she puts in a number. Now remember guys I hadn’t
even asked these chicks what their names are. I get my phone back and ask her
what her name is. She tells me and I type it in.

I never SMS:ed the chicks the next day so I can’t be sure if the number was
real or not, but the name she gave me was definitely real. Don’t ask me how I
know, I just do! :)

Anyways the whole point here is that I was focused on my goal of getting a
#close the whole time from the opener to the close. Everything I did before
getting the actual number was just working towards my goal!

Common mistake #3: Playing the disinterest game with the wrong type of chicks
OK, I’ve seen a lot of guys do this. Here’s one example:

On the way home after the RSD workshop, I was on a bus along with some of the
students that took the workshop. Anyways this one student spots a chick getting
on at a stop. This chick sits down in the empty seat next to me, while the
student is sitting across from her. Anyways this chick isn’t the type that gets
hit on a lot, she looks OK but you can tell she isn’t the party type.

So anyways this student opens her and starts running his routines, negging her,
saying shit like she and him could never be a couple, etc. Anyways this chick
barely says a word after getting negged, being disqualified, etc. Now guess
what happened after that?

That’s right! Absolutely NOTHING! The student painted himself in a corner by
disqualifying her and him self. The chick isn’t the party type that would all
of a sudden start chasing him and he couldn’t show interest in her now, without
looking like an idiot. So this PU went NOWHERE!

Sound familiar fellas?


I would advise staying away from the disinterest thing altogether. But if you
absolutely must do the disinterest thing, make sure that you do it on the party
type of chick that is used to being hit on by guys. Also make sure she is
ATTRACTED or at least INTRIGUED by you before taking it too far.

Common mistake #4: Starting the interaction in the “wrong” direction

Everybody says that openers don’t matter. Actually if you read about my method,
I even wrote this and it’s true openers really don’t matter when we’re talking
about opening sets.

But let’s be honest boys! Our goal with PU isn’t just to open sets, our goals
are to fuck chicks and have MLTRs with bisexual chicks, etc. Yummmmm, bisexual

Wait those are my goals! Sorry guys I got carried away here for a second! :)

Seriously boys, let’s talk about efficiency. A geography example:

Let’s say you’re traveling from New York to California. What direction would
you drive?

I know this sounds like a silly question, but believe me if you compare this to
PU, some guys will use openers that actually start them in a direction towards
New England! Obviously the most efficient direction would be to start driving
towards California, but hell it would even be more efficient to start out
towards Florida than New England! For those of you unfamiliar with US
geography, I’m talking about starting out in the exact opposite direction of
where your final destination is.

Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? Believe me there are guys out there doing this
and they don’t even notice it!

Here’s an example:

We’re out during the daytime in London trying to PU chicks to come with us to
the nightclubs where we were on the guest list. Two chicks stop pretty close to
us, giving us blatant IOIs. I let the guys know and tell them to approach.

One of the guys pulls out his cell phone and opens the 2-set by showing them
pictures with his phone. The routine is good and it works, both chicks laugh
and he busts the set wide open.

But the routine is flawed in this case! Cuz now I’m watching him and he’s been
gaming these chicks for about 5 minutes and they look like they’re about to
leave. I’m standing about 5 meters away and having a hard time containing
myself. He needs to close and needs to do it fast! Well a couple of minutes
later the chicks say that they have to go and leave. No number close.

So this dude comes back and I ask him what happened. He tells me that he opened
using the phone and showing them pictures of 2 chicks and asking them which
chick is prettier. After they answer he asked them which one they think was the
transvestite. They laughed and said they hoped it wasn’t the one they picked.
He then told them that both chicks were transvestites! Funny stuff!

But now the problem! Then he talked about phones or transvestites or something
like that. I then ask him why didn’t he close them when they were about to
leave. His answer:

“I couldn’t think of a natural way to switch immediately into asking them to go
with us to the night clubs! It would have felt awkward to close then!”

Guess what? He started the PU in the WRONG direction!


Think about where you want to go before approaching! What is your goal with
this particular chick/set?

Now I asked this guy to imagine the same scenario with these chicks, but this
time he instead opens them by asking their opinion about a particular
nightclub. He would have started the PU in exactly the right direction! Then
the close would have been a natural occurrence!

This is the same thing for you guys starting off a PU with disinterest,
gimmicks and stuff. Obviously you’re going to have to show interest in the
chick if anything is to happen and sure you can achieve this by starting with
disinterest, etc. But if you start off with disinterest you’re leaving yourself
a lot of work to do: from disinterested to neutral to interested and at the

All of a sudden you’re giving yourself the tiniest margins for error and this
is where I’ve seen a lot of guys blow a PU! Really, guys that do this are
making things much more complicated and difficult than necessary.

Common mistake #5: Being emotionally closed off

I’ve seen guys approach and game chicks without expressing any emotion what so
ever. No enthusiasm, no vibrancy, no charisma, no passion, no excitement, no
nothing! It looks so robotic and unnatural that chicks actually find it creepy.

What’s funny is that a lot of the guys doing this don’t even realize it! How
much pussy do you think these guys are getting? That’s right! A BIG FAT ZERO!


This is fucking simple boys! You need to understand what chicks want! Chicks
want passion, excitement, romance, adventure, etc. They basically want to be
swept away into the whole full-blown romantic fantasy!

This involves emotion! Go out and start living life passionately! Stop playing
the PC games, get off the chat boards, pick your ass up and go bungy jumping!
Or climb a mountain! Or take up skydiving or surfing! Or travel around the
world! Try new foods or take salsa lessons! Find new exciting hobbies and live
life instead of letting it pass you by!

Common mistake #6: Not observing and acknowledging the chick’s reactions


I was hanging out with the boys in London and talking about my more direct
style. One of the guys wants to try it.

He approaches a nice-looking chick and tells her that she’s beautiful and wants
to get to know her. She looks at him strangely and seems stunned. The guy is
totally stumped, he has no idea what to do next and it goes nowhere.

So what did he do wrong?


First of all, he didn’t really feel anything for the chick, he was only trying
out direct game! He came across as insincere and sounded like he does that to
every chick he sees. Refer to Common mistake #1.

But even in spite of that, he could have turned it around. How? By observing
and acknowledging her reactions!

I observed that she didn’t believe that he was sincere and genuine when he said
that. If he would have just said “You know you look like you don’t believe me.
Why wouldn’t you believe that a guy can find you beautiful and want to get to
know you? My name is Razorjack, what’s your name?”

Then start up the kino and screen her! :)

Common mistake #7: Never coming out of “indirect” mode – Blindly throwing out
routine after routine

I’ve seen guys doing this and let me tell you it just looks FUCKING pathetic.
This is where guys learn so many routines and when they PU, the only thing they
do is spit out routine after routine. It basically looks like a chicken running
around in circles after getting it’s head chopped off.

Basically these guys are running around in circles wasting time and energy on
the their routines and NOT GETTING ANY CLOSER TO THE LAY!


This is a combination of a lot of things IMO. First of all they feel like they
need to keep spitting out routines to keep chicks interested. They also think
they need to keep talking cuz any uncomfortable silence might blow the set.
Also they believe that they need to “trick” chicks into sex by running
routines, cuz they think doing that will attract the chicks rather than being
who they really are.

If this is you, then go back re-read this post and do ALL OF THE ABOVE! :)

Peace brothas!


badboy SWITCH Theory for creating ATTRACTION

The easiest way to understand\explain this, is 'Switches theory’. You know those on\off switches you have in your house for electricity? Now imagine 15 of those on one box. That’s how a woman’s mind is... everything they have in their mind are switches -- Is he attractive? Is he Good at sex? Off\On.

Every girl out there has a different set of switches, cause it really depends on their culture, their childhood and age, plus few other minor things...

But there are some common switches you must turn ON to all girls out there:

--He must be a challenge
--Good\average looking
--Not needy
--Is he good at sex?
--Does he have a sense for humor?

Now, those switches can be either ON or OFF, there is no value in-between... for geeks, it’s all off Smile

What happens when you switch on most of those switches?? Wow... she starts to be interested in me... actually... she starts to show indication of interest (indication of interest). That reaction is totally normal -- she meets a guy, and this guy is funny, good looking, interesting, romantic, not needy... etc. of course she is interested in getting to know him better (read: sleeping with him).

Switching on those switches is also 'demonstrating personality'. You can do it by stories\routines\jokes or actions...

You can tell stories where you were romantic, or you go in front of the bar to watch a sunset... It doesn’t matter, as long as the 'he is romantic' switch is ON.

Every story or routine you have in your arsenal is saying something to her (switching on some switches). When designing routines\stories, first take a look what do you want to convey (that you 771 are not already conveying with your look\body language).

The easiest way to switch On lot of switches is Body language & the way you behave\dress...

Lets take a look at me for example. If you never saw the way I look, take a look my webpage photo here...

Okay, lets analyze together... what do you think about this guy just from this photo? Here is what I would say:

• He has lot of confidence
• He looks like some badboy or really advantures guy
• Good looking (average)
• He is drinking expensive cocktails, so probably he has some money…
• Probably sex is good with him
• Alpha, he doesn’t give a shit about people. (leg on table)
• Lets also say Unpredicatable, cause he doesn’t look like some predictable guy...
• Does he look needy?? hmmm... not sure...

Ok, guys, you get my point... I switched On like 10 switches just by the way I look and behave. Ok switches I haven’t flipped yet:

I don’t have trust, rapport, I am not romantic, interesting... that’s it!!!!

That means 5 stories for 5 more switches. That’s like 5 X 5 minutes = 25 minutes to get a girl. Let’s say 35 minutes...

Of course you can convey all those things through conversation, and that's fine. But it will take 10X longer! This way it works for me, and I am happy.
Back to top 420 d8


• Keep hands out of pockets.
• Stand with feet wider apart. (Not This II but more like this I I)
• Don't swing around with your hands when you walk.
• Never look at the floor (down) when you walk (look above horizon)
• Expose your chest
• Shoulders up (in relaxed way)
• When you walk, walk slowly, bigger steps, but slow.
• Use lot of space no matter where you are, because it radiates with confidence...
• Don't dress in too many dark colors (just when you want to contrast with something).
• Don't be afraid to go into people’s personal space. Personal space is society bullshit. It doesn't exist!! If you if give a shit, its going to exist -- otherwise it won’t!
• Always lean out… trust me, when you lean out, people around you
• will start to lean in to hear you.
• Touch people when you talk with them (non-sexual) because you must create conversation on all levels! Not just verbal. (Later she is going to be used to your touch, and that is perfect for the pre-sex stage!)
• All your body language must be in same speed. That means you can’t walk slowly, move with confidence, and then talk fast, like Bart
• Simpson!! It must be on same speed, otherwise they will tell you that you are 'trying to be cool' (cause you are sending different messages on different levels... so you are not CONGURANT (he is lying))

Thursday, February 17, 2005

How to KILL any Approach Anxiety

Badboy Lifestyle :: View topic - How to KILL any Approach Anxiety: "Here's my thoughts and views on killing any approach anixety, but more importantly this is good for improving life!

Don't think at all.

Stay focused and become consumed with the present moment, so much so that you kill all thoughts from your mind. Be aware of your breathing, or that hot chick who just walked in the door, focus on the now, and you will always win.

You approach and get rejected, then say to yourself 'OK... WHAT PROBLEMS DO I HAVE RIGHT NOW'? and ofcourse the answer is always none, it's just your mind fucking YOU up, you are not your mind.


Remember that.

Here is a very powerful technique for killing your mind, which is seperate from you, the being.

Say outloud.. 'Be still! - and KNOW - I AM - God'

Say it a thousand times a day, until you have discovered all my innermost meaning.

Until every cell of your body thrills in joyful response to the command 'Be still!' and instantly obeys.

And any vagrant thought hovering around your mind hies itself off into nothingless.

The fact is this, 'I' is your REAL SELF. Your human mind has therefore been so engrossed with the task of supplying its intellect and body with all manner of selfish indulgences, that it has never had time to get acquainted with the Real you, it's true Lord and Master!

You have been so interested in and affected by the pleasures and sufferings of your mind, that you have come to believe YOU ARE YOUR MIND.


Don't forgot also, if ever you worry about something, that may happen in the future, or something that happened in the past, say 'OK... "

THE Mentality To have!

Badboy Lifestyle :: View topic - Street Approach Challenge: "What i learned: when you dont give a fuck and your happy and you are larger than life and dominate the whole thing and you know you want her and dont argue with it there is no way you can fail. I LOVE this game, this is fun shit. "

Sunday, February 13, 2005


Arizona Pick-Up Artist: Learn the Art of Attraction and Seduction: "He is relentless.. he hounds women into submission.. asking them to kiss him.. while giving them kino.. and he has a very dissarming demeanor.. very unagressive.. he is unabashed in his persistent behavior going from one girl to another.. getting worse with the more he drinks which he does a lot of).. and yet he is still successful.. I believe he is an unabashed rake, as in the Art of Seduction. "


"A pretty money way I tongued down my second day2 of the day was as follows. I was at the bar, and the straws in the drinks were the short kind. So I had the straw in my mouth and started poking her face with it. Then I kept trying to get it in her mouth. I got it in, and shifted the straw tip into the corner of my cheek so I could get it in more. Then I made out with her with the straw in both of our mouths. Kinda dangerous though. What a joke it would be to choke on it!"

Plug it in to the "do you brush" routine.

"Do you brush? Lemme find out with a straw kiss:D"

:Tissue Paper on your heel":D

"tell them they have tissue paper stuck on their heel."

"OMG, I can't believe you bought that!"

Saturday, February 12, 2005

How to be COOL and NOT NEEDY

"To hot girls, most men they meet stare at them, hoping for EC and maybe a smile. Men get nervous around them cos they are afraid to screw up their chance or say something wrong. Men come over and linger in meaningless convo with them for no apparent reason. Men try to come up with cool or clever things to say. Men try to act cool around her. If one man talks with her, other men will join in for no reason. If she touches a man, other men will act weird like they are very uncomfy with it.

During an average day, stuff like this might happen 20 times to the average hottie. She has seen it all and can recognize it very easily. Any man who acts like that is at once put into the �average� category, and a girl who can have any man will NEVER EVER have sex with a man from this category.

Do you have a FIRM INNER BELIEF that girls generally like you.. that there will always be enough girls giving you attention and sex.. that getting girls is not something you need to worry about? If not, you are a validation seeker.

At least 97% of guys here are validation seekers on the inside.

I am a validation seeker. I�m aware of it and fight it actively, so I manage to fake being cool and fuck a hottie now and then :D Since I know validation seeking is needy and repulsive, I try really hard to be non-needy and not seek validation.. but my deepest motivation is still to get validation from her in the end.

Hot girls seek great sex.. And a guy who is chill/cool around them no matter what, so they don�t have to mind him all the time. Not easy to find when 97% of males are desperately seeking validation at all times..

EDIT: 'Girls dig me.' 3 times a day I say this while thinking back to all the hot girls I have nailed lately. Just another tool in my daily fight for alphaness - a fight against neediness and the urge "

Friday, February 11, 2005

Kissing you way - The FOREIGN GUYS fluff

"Veroxii, ASF: 'After doing some fluff-talk with a girl and getting some rapport and light kino going, I ask her if she likes local or foreign guys better, because I prefer foreign girls over local girls (which is a lie!:). Then after her 'But why?' I tell her it's because local girls don't know how to kiss properly. I think you guys can see where I'm going with this... After a little bit of an argument (because they actually do kiss quite well), I just grab her and say 'so let's find out!' and give her the full tongue action. Sidenote: you need to have at least some kino going before this, or she might freak out.'"


Kissing Closes...The ICE CREAM way:)

"SirMoby, ASF: 'I always ask the HBs 'Do you like ice cream?' Of course they say 'Yes' and ask 'Why do you ask?' I explain that women that don't like ice cream probably kiss with their mouth closed and that the women of [insert the homeland of the HB here] seem to have no passion. They immediately come back about how passionate they are. I usually get an open mouth kiss in a few minutes and they also start telling me about their passions."


Getting in the ULTIMATE PUA ZONE

mASF Forum - chaachaa: "Advanced PUAs, I believe, not only are not scared at the sight of the opposite sex, and are certainly not neutral, but begin to associate their repeated successes and the associated feelings of ecstacy with women in general. As dogs salivate at the sound of a bell signaling meat, so advanced PUAs 'confuse' sex with women, essentially assuming success and pleasant feelings from the word 'go.' This is truly being 'in the zone,' and it is something we must all strive for. ANd it can only be achieved through habituation, through repeated trials, through running sets each night. (Also, changing your mindset, ie, that women WANT SEX--whether that's true or not--is a cognitive correction that helps on the other side.)"

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


sms convo from earlier today with girl I met briefly twice before and gamed for 3 hours and got # from in pub last night:

ijjjji: Hi princess :) Aww you were so cute last night! Wow it was fun meeting you! And that red silver see through dress... I'm speechless :O Biiiig hug

HB: Hi! Nice meeting you too :-) Hehe isn't it gorgeous?

ijjjji: Awwwwww little baby angel.. Hehe.. I miss your cute smile.. thinking of it makes me all cuddly and warm inside.. ahem.. yes its so fine bringing tears to my eyes ;) Looong warm hugs!!

HB: are cute too ;-) So did u have fun after u left pub? did you get home safely?.. hey you never told me how old you are when I asked!!?

ijjjji: OMG you are so cute when you are curious :* Ahh no, I went to this party and they were taking shots and right now I'm sitting perfectly still waiting for my head to start functioning again.. *soft kiss*

HB: Awwww poor little ijjjji. From now on you need to always bring me when you go to parties so I can look after you :-) Is it really bad?

ijjjji: Aww you are so nice and comforting! I actually think I miss you a little bit.. only that I'm too hung over to feel it right now.. kiss and hug!

HB: Ok thats it I'm coming over NOW to take care of you....hehe....just kidding..

ijjjji: I'm so sorry I'm not abel to come.. in any way right now ;) Maybe another time :*

HB: Nah was just kidding I'm visiting a GF today. Tomorrow I plan to put myself under a blanket with some red wine.

then 20 sec later:

HB: If u want you can come and sit under blanket with me and talk and drink red wine.. ;-)


I post this here cos it shows what I mean by attracting girls without asking for a meet up. For me this is a 100% success techinque. Zero flakes.

When I was newbie I sent "I'm going pub X now.. u wanna come?" or "I'm going out on saturday! If you go out we should meet up!" and this was very flakey and sometimes not even answer.


Approach like there's no tomorrow

mASF Forum - guest: "The hardest thing on earth to do--living like today is your last day--is exactly what you should do, within reason. If you PRACTICE this, APPROACHING random women with no fear, APPROACHING women with their boyfriends, approaching any situation that might be fun, you will BECOME someone who does it without thinking. You will have conquered your life. I can't think of any higher goal."

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Powerful! Body Language When Entering a Place

: "Body Language When Entering a Place"


Monday, February 07, 2005

Being RELAXED is the MOST Important Thing!

Thundercat's Seduction Lair: BadBoy: "So we learned today that being relaxed is the most important thing for PU and bb showed us how to do that really easy � try to be nervous and totally relax � you can�t do it!"

Friday, February 04, 2005

Translate EMOTIONS into PHYSICAL activity

: "Remember also that one important principle in persuasion is that if someone is
stuck emotionally, get them moving physically. This is using the mind/body

Thursday, February 03, 2005

FEEL your HEART after a SARGE

: "'After the sarge TD tells me to feel his heart.
TD � Feel my heart.
26 � (Feels the heart)
TD � Not nervous right?

He wasn�t nervous. I felt it. Actually, I didn�t feel ANY beating. I don�t even
think he has a heart.'

I'm going to incorporate the 'I DON'T CARE. I DON'T CARE' mantra into my shit.
I already think this automatically, but sometimes slip out of state. I also
have an 'ASF cheatsheet' which I update occasionally, but nowhere near the
level of TD. I thought I was serious about sarging, but TD clearly puts in more
effort; not a LOT more effort, but often its only a small amount that separates
the BEST from those that are merely GOOD. I'm gonna really get on this."

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Society Fucking Up Men & Women

Thundercat's Seduction Lair: "By the same token, the Feminist movement has changed the way women are trained, for the worse. Women are not being tought how to be women either, rather, everything has been reversed. Women are being trained as men, and men are being trained as women, and everyone is getting fucked up because of it."

Haha...he should drop special credits to the West for the current sex-switch revolution.

ijjjjji Method, version 1

Thundercat's Seduction Lair: ijjjjji Method, version 1: "Always look like you just had great sex - a little tired, hair a little untidy, disinterested, arrogant, not needy, like you got better things to do. Do not hide your sexuality in fear of rejection. Act on it when you are horny, and never let the outcome affect your mood negatively.
Stop caring what people think of you and show it."