Sunday, December 25, 2005

Enough of comedy. GET A LIFE

topic: Focus and Direction (1 of 52)
board: Advanced
from: TylerDurden / profile / recent posts by TylerDurden
(first login: August, 19, 2002 03:36 AM)
date: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 09:28 AM
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Here's a little piece of my reality.

Some of you will probably think it's screwed up. Others will be entertained by it.. As long as it's interesting, whatever people get from it is cool with me.

I'm browsing the board, about to start another day of work. I like to keep in touch with the kinds of concerns that the average guy has.

While I'm reading about all the things that most guys worry about, it's hard for me not to be blown away. I understand it in abstract. I used to have a lot of the same tendencies. But at this point, on a personal level, I just don't relate. Like, "Wow, some of these guys really lack focus.. They just lack direction in life."

Most people walk through life in a trance, and rarely pause to consider what they're doing.

Life becomes a reactive haze, where you just live through your habits. Wake up, go to work, watch TV, surf the web, have a bit of fun, go to sleep.

There is no proactive steering of the ship. Just emotional reactions to things as they come up.

They have concepts of what they deserve. Their places in life. Emotions that they can handle, and emotions that are outside of their capacity to process.

That's MOST of society.

As creatures of habit, it's almost impossible to break day-to-day repetition and implement a new routine.

And yet, it's that new routine that only makes a 0.001% difference on a day-to-day, but ADDS UP over several years.

I turned twentysix this year, and my life is very different than when I was 22 or 23.

I feel my time a LOT more now. From the minute I wake up, to the minute I go to sleep, I feel my time being drained from me.

That's FINE. But if it's being drained, there is a VERY clear cut line in my mind as to what kind of things it's going to be spent on.

Replying to long emails... NO.

Answering long phone calls... NO.

Dealing with drama... NO.

Gossiping... NO.

Dwelling on stuff that I logically know is dumb... NO.

Watching any TV or movie that isn't highly creative and perspective altering... NO.

Living in cities that aren't world class calibre... No.

Time wasting... NO FUCKING WAY.

People who aren't living at a standard that I respect... CUT OFF.

Guys who waste my time... BYE BYE.

This stuff is ALL cut out of my life.

If I sense this kind of thing going on, I feel a wretching feeling in my gut and cut it off ASAP.

I wake up every morning ready to work. Another 16 hour work day... I'm all for it.

To me, this is a RACE... A race against time... While the world is choding around, I'm living my life.

Wake up.



Morning briefing with Papa.

Plan the day.








Go out and practise my skills.


Wake up and do it again.


When I do something fun (and I do every day), it's going to be VERY FUCKING FUN..

My life is very focused. I want to dominate. I want a LOT.

I understand that most people don't want this lifestyle. Some people are probably just as happy, if not more happy than I am. Whatever works for them works for them. But this is what works for me.

In my mind, life is for the taking. I will continue to travel to ALL the best places. I will continue to eat the best food. I will continue to bed the hottest women. I will have the most talented people around me and meet many more.

I will dominate my environments and work continually to make 0.001% improvements that add up over a period of time. At all times I have little projects on the go that to most people would seem to be moving at a snail's pace. That's what my progress with women was like. But I had a clear cut vision and was willing to do whatever it took to achieve it.

The biggest thing I have is MOMENTUM.

To the average guy reading this, it's hard to grasp.

Where would he start? It sound exhausting...

Well, for a lot of guys it probably is. It just depends. There are a lot of people who want all the REWARDS, but few people who would actually put in the work. A lot of people say that happiness is ENTIRELY internal, and if that's the case then perhaps I'm doing things the wrong way.

I've been in that "I don't know where to start" position, and what I did was JUST START. Then over time, as more paths became clear, I had enough things on the go to give my life the focus and direction that it has now.

A lot of people who see my busy lifestyle would immediately condemn it and hate on it. They'd say that it isn't balanced.

Well, that's cool. But my view is different. And to be honest, I don't always see these guys as being all that happy themselves. They just pay it more lip-service.

I grew up in a small town in Canada. If it weren't for Papa pulling me out of it and showing me what was out there, I'd be working a boring job and coming home to some mediocre woman that I didn't want. Right now I'm VERY happy, and more importantly SATISFIED living my current lifestyle. I'm at the perfect age for it.

I'm in a hustler mentality. I want EXTREME FUN and EXTREME SUCCESS. I feel that drive at all times, and I relate to guys who have that same drive.

The average dumb shit that bothers most guys doesn't even hit my radar.

Things like approach anxiety...

Or people doing petty shit to try to annoy me...

Or relationships that aren't working...

Or the inevitable temporary failure that comes before success (even failure of things that I put massive amounts of work into)...


I have such a hard time relating to how anybody could feel ANY emotional reaction to this stuff - it's so OUTSIDE OF MY REALITY.. When I see guys who have this and I literally feel like I'm talking to insane people.

I'm playing at a different level. Unless something is BIG, I'm NUMB to it.

Things feel a lot smaller when your vision and perspective is a lot bigger..

So that's my lifestyle. That's why I don't get things like "approach anxiety" or "one-itis" anymore.

I just don't have time for it! :)

Anyway, I'm getting back to work.

RSD (c) 2005
100% Content - 0 % Political Flame Bullshit

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topic: Focus and Direction (2 of 52)
board: Advanced
from: victorj / profile / recent posts by victorj
(first login: April, 10, 2005 09:05 PM)
date: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:58 AM
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You should get into real estate, where focus and social skills like yours will take you very far.

I think you will find it most interesting and mind blowing Tyler.

My challenge for you:
1. Give it 1 day of your time to look into, and you'll see.

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