Monday, March 28, 2005

Live the Day Technique

"I've used this tactic to get women into bed
.Not overly field tested, but it has worked twice

You lead the conversation towards health and
living well. Casually mention how you had a friend
who died from breast cancer.

An hour later , bring it up again and tell
her that if she wants to get to know you she's going to
have take a risk (ie. open her legs). Tell her
she can let the opportunity pass, but life is short, and we never know when we're going to be gone.
She could be diagnosed with breast cancer next week, and be gone in six months.

This creates a willingness to LIVE now, take RISKS, and
enjoy getting POKED.

Geoff--not the one from RSD FAME!"

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Mystery's KINO TEST

A terrific early kino initiation gambit is the KINO TEST. It works like this: while you are talking (saying a routine that has NOTHING to do with your holding her hands), hold your hands out. She will notice this and as you are non-verbally indicating for her to put her hands in your hands she will. Does she put them in your hands face up? If so, this is an indication of disinterest (IOD) because she didn't think of holding your hands. Are they face down? This is an indicator of interest (IOI).

Then lower your hands. Do her hands and arms stay tense and not follow down with your hands (an IOD) or do they have compliance and come down with your hands (an IOI)? When you hold her hands, does she hold back (IOI) or not (IOD)? When you then let loose your grip, does she still hold your hands (IOI) or let go entirely and pull her hands away and back to her sides (IOD)? This is the KINO TEST. If she mentions the hand holding you can simply say "This is sub text. We aren't supposed to talk about it. Now where was I before you interrupted my train of thought? Oh yes ..."

The kino test is awesome because not only is it a great kino initiator, it is also a great way to tell where you're at. You'll typically want to do it in the Attraction stage of the M3 model. If she passes the test (puts her hands face down and lowers them while you lower yours) then you'll know that you have enough attraction to move to the qualification phase and then shift to Comfort and Trust. Nice.

Doing the above will really help your kino escalation go much more smoothly when you get to point where you are isolated with the girl and are building comfort. In my next newsletter, I'll go into more detail about how to escalate kino while in the Comfort and Trust stage. But for now, work on initiating kino in the Attraction stage. You'll be glad you did.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Day 2 Setup(Oil Massage + Low Lights + Bed Room) - The Ultimate?

This is my day2 setup which I have used on about every single girl I have day2d with a couple exceptions where I was invited to their house.

Of all the girls I've day 2d this way it's only failed on two of them, one 28 or so year old girl that was like an accountan and one 17 year old that's the strangest girl i've ever met :D Strange as in she didn't fuck me :D *cough*

Anyways it's really easy. I've done this on several girls without even having made out with them or done anything with them, girls I've barely met, talked to on MSN or whatever.

I have a pretty darn perfect setup at my room:

1: There is aside from my computerchair only ONE place to sit, the bed (well the floor to but doh).

2: I have a computer with highspeed internet so I use "I have all the newest movies that aren't out on cinemas here even" as a very good sellingpoint, doh it's just a stupid way to rationalize being at my place. It works.

3: The bed and desk with the computer is positioned in a way that you can only see the monitor from the lowerhalf of the bed and at the end is a wall you can lean against. So you can sit at the end of the bed and lean up against a corner.

What I do is simply say something like:
"Hey I'm watching a movie tonight, fucking exhausted, come keep me company, I could use a massage ;)" anything really. Or I'll just plan it:
"Hey how about you come keep me company this week, I'm working all week so I'm gonna be relaxing afterwards with a flick".

I almost ALWAYS throw inn something about a massage, either receiving or giving.

I'm pretty lazy so I just tell them how to get here either by car or bus. They usually ask me if I can meet them there and I just say, call me when you get of the bus. They call and I just instruct them how to walk here.

I'm lazy and Norway is cold, fuck if I'm walking outside to meet them, beside that gives me a good excuse to "warm them" abit when they get inn :D

5: My room is always very hot, atleast 23 degrees celsius at anytime, often more. Doh, clothes cannot be worn in exess :D

I usually position myself in the corner, at the very end of the bed, pull the blanket and pillow up etc, the girl always sits down next to me. I playfully tease, build tension etc throughout the movie, sometimes a makeout happens before movie, sometimes in the middle, sometimes at the end. Doesn't really matter.

Kino is obligatory.

An easy way to build tension throughout a movie is light kino and light glances at her while she's watching the movie. She can feel the pressure of your glances, also works great if she turns her head and you smile at her.

Decrease proximity as much as possible. Being seated in the corner is an excellent excuse for this "Hey, come over here" so she can lean against you and you can hold her while you watch the movie. If by the end of the movie you have not laid down or are holding eachother or making out while watching the movie or just skipping it part two comes:

The massage.

I almost always get the girl to massage me, just so she feels even more comfortable at touching me, and how she massages and where, also length is a nice IOI indicator.

When I massage I make a point of having her placed between my legs, both sitting on the bed. (She sits on the end, you have legs around her, her back towards your chest).

I do the usual shoulder+back massage thingy. Then I do two things that usually heat things up:
Handmassage and scalpmassage. Both does two things:

- Both are sensual and erotic and touches some of the most sensitive and exposed areas of the body

- Both massages when positioned the way you are makes it natural for you to move your chest and whole body into her back so you are almost holding her from behind. This is a powerfull position. If you can feel her heartbeat being increased, her breath being more "horny" it's really on, I usually also at this point or even earlier position my face nearer her head, resting my jaw on her shoulder, especially during handmassages, and let my warm breath pass near her ear/neck, slow, long breaths. Mostly endgame there.

Another thing about how you position yourself on the bed/massage.

When seated at the very end or directly behind her, it makes it very natural for you to push her down on the bed because the open space is on her side. Makes it VERY easy to push her over to tickle/playfight etc.

Voila, with this kind of buildup I seldom encounter any ASD/LMR except those two that I couldn't lay

This is something most guys can do, just make sure

- Bed is the obvious place to be seated/positioned to watch the movie
- Be playfull and "frisky", don't be scared of kino
- Learn basic massageskills

Sunday, March 20, 2005

TURNING ON: Using panties

Clothes are never obstacles, they're possibilities.

So if you make out with her, with her clothes on and she doesn't allow you to caress her between her legs yet. Caress her lower back some more and touch the edge of her panties or pants. After a while grab the edge and pull gently upwards. Then release, pull, release, pull, etc until she is more turned on.

It should be done gently and slowly. You want her to feel her panties move across her crotch but just barely. You want her to build a need for you touching her there."

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Penis Opener - MUHAHAHA

AHAHAHAH this is our PROUD new contribution to all you fuckers out there!!!

This is called the PENIS OPENER.

'Hey guys, where can I find the penis candy store?'

Ok... where does this go after?

Girls always go 'What did you just say???' or even 'PENIS?'


Hoobie, Flin and I came up with the PENIS GAME here in Amsterdam. How to play?
Follow up sets with the word PENIS as many times as you can in set in the first
3-4 minutes while running game...our winging record so far is about 25
'penis'es while keeping the set!!! I have day 2's with girls lined up here
every day from this shit.

Example from a set earlier today:
Loverboy: 'Hey guys, I need a PENIS opinion, I'm looking for my PENIS hostel,
it's called My PENIS, do you know where it is?'
HBs: 'Umm.. what is it called again?'
Hoobie: 'PENIS...'
HBs: 'Umm what?? AHAHAHAHAH!!!'
Loverboy: 'Yeah, they said go over the PENIS bridge and then you should see a
statue of a PENIS to your right-
Hoobie: 'Isn't it a statue of Madonna?'
HBs: 'Oh, is it?'
Hoobie: 'Yeah...with a PENIS!'
Loverboy: 'Guys, stop laughing bout PENISES...!! These girls are like PENIS
predators dude! They'd never be able to help me find my PENIS!'
Hoobie: 'PENIS, PENIS, PENIS, so the hostel is where, PENIS?'
Loverboy: Ok, maybe it's a PENIS, or a dildo, or a PENIS?


"This evening I was running through different types of kisses with
HBjesusbus. I'd like to develop this into a late game routine for once you
are kissing the girl. I was challenging her to come up with different types
of kisses, discussing them, and obviously, demonstrating. Whoever comes up
with the most different kisses wins, but the next girl I run this on won't
have compared notes with other people on the internet :)

Turn the girl slightly to the side, in front of you, and put one arm round
her waist in front of her and reach behind, and then the other hand behind
her head as you push her over backwards with your lips.

If anyone ever watched neighbours, all the teenagers used to fake tongue
kissing, without tongues. Basically, kiss with your mouth open but no
tongue, it's weird, and makes girls laugh.

Lick like a puppy, over her tongue and inside her mouth.

This was hers, round and round, monotonous.

Blow a raspberry on her lips instead of a kiss.

Bite her top or bottom lip, and don't let go. At all. Even when she says
the joke is over.

Kiss just on the lips, but both take a huge deep breath at the same time,
the oxygen rush gives you a brief natural high.

Needless to say I won. I think this is good DHV, shows you are imaginative,
and like the Three Smiles routine, it's the sort of thing girls remember and
tell their friends about."

PHONE GAME: Call while having an apple

This is good shit!

Make sure you're congruent with it - do NOT apologise, and if she asks what you're eating, just say "an apple" in a "what's your point?" tone of voice.

In Bristol I've sarged the waterfront a couple of times holding a pizza box, and got MAD IOI's from the active disinterest from opening, and then paying more attention to pizza. I even dripped cheese down my face and was told I was disgusting, and yet she didn't leave... AMOGs tried to steal my pizza, but fortunately I had an expert bodyguard at the time in the form of Sundance.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I start kissing her neck… her shoulder… down to her boob… pull down her shirt and start sucking on her boob. She tells me THAT is her #1 turn on… So, thus far she has told me three things that really turn her on.

Then I start biting her neck, really hard, and she tells me “if I was a guy I would’ve just creamed myself.”

So she has told me four key elements to getting her so turned on that she can’t control herself: pulling her hair, biting her neck, sucking on her boob, and stroking her body. And also, she didn’t tell em this, butdry humping her was getting her to moan the most…

So I do those four things… then I stop… go again… stop… go again (similar to what I did before) and she tells me for the second time “you’re driving me fuckin crazy.”

So I start dry humpin’ her again… and she just kept on moaning harder. After a while she tells me to stop (cuz i'm turning her on so much), and I SAID “okay” but I just kept on doing it.

Monday, March 14, 2005

The parasite called FEAR

mASF Forum - guest: "I'm a firm believer in the fact that fear, best described by Miguel Ruiz as a parasite with a thousand heads, is the wall that separates the place where we stand today with the place where we want to stand tomorrow. This analogy is by no means exclusive to seduction and applies to absolutely every area of life. I habitually analyze all successes and failures of myself and those around me, and to this day i've been unable to find a failure, the cause of which couldn't be traced back to fear.

Allow me to illustrate. Meet John. Today, John is dead. He died yesterday, poor and lonely. Why? Because John lived his life in fear. As a child, John was afraid of leaving his mother's side. At the playground, other children would run around and explore, yet John would stay as close as her as possible. When introduced to other children, John would hide behind her back until they ran off to play without him. Because of fear, John had a hard time socializing.

In elementary, John was often bullied and beaten by bigger kids. He was afraid to stand up for himself. He figured getting beat up would hurt less if he didn't fight back. Because of fear, John's elementary school experience often resembled a nightmare. He eventually came to associate socializing and going to school with fear and pain. For this reason, he constantly skipped class when he was in high school. Because of fear, John failed school and never graduated.

He went on to work at a factory for minimum wage. He never asked for more money for fear of being rejected, so he got paid less than everyone else. An old high school friend, who went on to become a millionaire investor, once offered John an opportunity to invest some of his money and secure his future. John was afraid of losing whatever little money he had and refused. His friend took the calculated risk and bec"

Baloon Wrestling to KISS

"you remind me of Layne from my freshman year at high school. I hated her because she always beat me at baloon wrestling.

Okay, blow up your mouth with air. whoever's mouth bursts first loses. "

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Interesting Games

Pick Up Guide: More games! Kokology!: "Game: Roller Coasters: (fuck this is alot like RJ's D.C. pattern!,
could be used together!)

-You enter an amusement park
-You go to roller coaster line
-How long do you wait to get on? (how much time you want foreplay)
-you're on the ride, going all around, what is feeling? (your feelings
during sex)
-your car plunges into splashpool at end, what do you shout? (what you
say at orgasm)
-Now you go to merry go round, but horse is broken, how you feel?
(chick's feeling when guy cant get it up)
-Now describe the perfect roller coaster ride.. shape of track,
feeling.. (describes the ideal fuck)

Game: Web of life:
Imagine you are a spider & have a web
-How/what kinds many insects have you caught? (describe your types
of conquests, and former lovers, excotic? unusual, many?, beautiful?
-One insect escapes and says something to you, what he says? (your
memories of failure when you fail to catch a particular guy)

Game: Leap for life
-you are on ground, waiting your turn for first jump, watching
other divers free-falling back to earth, what are you thinking/feeling?
(describes your sexual desire)
-your turn, you are on plane, at door's edge and jump out, what do
you scream? (what you say at orgasm)
-you land safely, and instructor approaches you, what is he saying?
(what you imagine your partner tells you after sex)

There you go! I think these could be quite useful in a "

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

ASSUMING RAPPORT: How we communicate with STRANGERS and people we know

What are the key differences of how you talk to a stranger and how you talk to a
known person?

Absolute dead center first is you have PRACTICED all your life talking to people
that you know. SO you must practice practice practice talking to women you do
not know in order to achieve this same effect at internal levels.
The basic level use of assuming rapport is this. What do you usually do at a
verbal level with strangers you are not in rapport with?
You ask tons of questions about her and volunteer tons of information about
you. When instead with people you know already you discuss the environment,
the things around you or activity you are engaged in. You talk about happenings
or people you both know.
You can do the same with her in the form of celebrities, music, movies and TV
you both watch. Do not volunteer what you watch or listen to or have seen, ask
her what she watches listens to or has seen for a better conversation to erupt out
of these things that will lead to rapport being assumed.
It’s really as simple as that to assume there is a rapport and induce it. Verbal
methods of attraction and influence are VERY hit or miss. As again we just cant
read minds so wild assumption will be all that are being made of “the right thing
to say”.

pg 45 Gunwitch