Monday, May 23, 2005

Threesomes: How to get them

Clifford: Can you elaborate on what you and your girlfriend do in
bars and night clubs to meet women?

David: We go in as a team, with her on my arm, showing how good
our relationship it. This sends the message that no woman can get
between us, and this is also very att ractive to women. We start
with small talk and build rapport. Then I read the woman's palm
and find out if she is bisexual. If so, I demonstrate that I am
congruent with her reality, and then she becomes very attracted to
us. Then my girlfriend gets flirty with the woman and they get
those bi-indicators going back and forth. Then I hug and kiss the
woman. Then my girlfriend hugs and kisses the woman. Then we go
for the close.

Clifford: For more information about David Shade and his Masterful
Lover products check out his website. In fact, he has a new video
course on how to get threesomes:


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