Wednesday, February 09, 2005


sms convo from earlier today with girl I met briefly twice before and gamed for 3 hours and got # from in pub last night:

ijjjji: Hi princess :) Aww you were so cute last night! Wow it was fun meeting you! And that red silver see through dress... I'm speechless :O Biiiig hug

HB: Hi! Nice meeting you too :-) Hehe isn't it gorgeous?

ijjjji: Awwwwww little baby angel.. Hehe.. I miss your cute smile.. thinking of it makes me all cuddly and warm inside.. ahem.. yes its so fine bringing tears to my eyes ;) Looong warm hugs!!

HB: are cute too ;-) So did u have fun after u left pub? did you get home safely?.. hey you never told me how old you are when I asked!!?

ijjjji: OMG you are so cute when you are curious :* Ahh no, I went to this party and they were taking shots and right now I'm sitting perfectly still waiting for my head to start functioning again.. *soft kiss*

HB: Awwww poor little ijjjji. From now on you need to always bring me when you go to parties so I can look after you :-) Is it really bad?

ijjjji: Aww you are so nice and comforting! I actually think I miss you a little bit.. only that I'm too hung over to feel it right now.. kiss and hug!

HB: Ok thats it I'm coming over NOW to take care of you....hehe....just kidding..

ijjjji: I'm so sorry I'm not abel to come.. in any way right now ;) Maybe another time :*

HB: Nah was just kidding I'm visiting a GF today. Tomorrow I plan to put myself under a blanket with some red wine.

then 20 sec later:

HB: If u want you can come and sit under blanket with me and talk and drink red wine.. ;-)


I post this here cos it shows what I mean by attracting girls without asking for a meet up. For me this is a 100% success techinque. Zero flakes.

When I was newbie I sent "I'm going pub X now.. u wanna come?" or "I'm going out on saturday! If you go out we should meet up!" and this was very flakey and sometimes not even answer.



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