Saturday, January 29, 2005

Alpha Male: There is POWER in SILENCE

mASF Forum - guest: "The alpha male sets the laws, he rules in silence. He's never tryhard, showoff. Relaxed and calm, confident and has nothing to prove. Never seeks validation, is only there to qualify everybody else that he thinks deserves it. "

Thursday, January 27, 2005

The LOVE Routine:) "I love you...pff"

Read topic starting at message #194532: "PUA: I love you..
HB: hahahaha.. yeah right!!
PUA: what?? whaaat? I'm serious, I want to marry you.. I love you so much!!
HB: hahahahha.. yeah right!!!
PUA: I do.. I swear! Close your eyes.. I want to show you something..
HB: noooo way!!
PUA: OMG I'm so embarressed.. you're making me so shy!! I told you that I loved you, and
totally revealed all my emotions, and you're stomping all over them like a little ant
hill!! (make PUPPY DOG faces, so you look SOOO CUTE..)
HB: OMG I'm soooo sorry.. I totally love you.. here.. (closes her eyes)
PUA: (now KISS the chick while her eyes are closed)
HB: hahahahahhaha.. OMG you jerk!!
PUA: yeah.. so what do you like so much about jerks?? ;)"

Alphas can COMPLIEMENT - the RIGHT way...

Read topic starting at message #194532: "Another good way to compliment them, is to tell them exactly what they want to hear.. Say theyr just doing something they dont even expect to be complimented on.. You can make your compliments ammusing by being funny and cheesy about it.. For example, if the girl is putting some tomato ketchup into her burger, i could say something way 'AFC-ish' but its so 'Not bothered' and 'out in the air' that its completely un needy and jus plain funny, i might say something in a sincere tone like 'oh my god, you pour the ketchup with so much pride and delicality, you would put the queen to shame!' in a really cheesy way.. I dont care how 'AFC' you guys say this is, its funny as hell!

I dont even think that its AFC either, because my Alpha BL is so tight, un needy, relaxed and cool, i could say just about ANYTHING and get away with it, purely because i dont CARE what the out come is.."

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Use your chic's FRIENDS

"Or you can go the other way and do things like say, "You friend Sarah has a huge ass... you're so much better looking than her" etc. A girl's friends are a fantastic tool."

"Always let her friends know (by being, not saying) you are a great guy. Never ever underestimate a girl's desire to make her friends jealous of her man. "

Intersting. Make your chic AND her friends JEALOUS.

Cocky + Funny + Generous + Style = Attraction? Perhaps?

NEVER make a chic NUMBER ONE priority in your life

Attract girls by being busy - Fast Seduction 101 Player Guide: "Also, she can NEVER be the first priority in your life. Always put her second to something, whether it be your family, career, friends, whatever, but leave a small piece of hope in her mind that she could become #1.'"

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Email Game

Way it's done...

MAGIC - Attack Kitten Routine

mASF Forum - guest: "You are so cute! You are like my little ATTACK KITTEN. Like, a furry little attack kitten with a big oversize collar on, you can protect me when the Sexual Predator Ninjas drop down from the ceiling... POUNCE! Can you pounce? Yeah. I feel so safe wif my wittle attack kitten around. I'll even get you a personalized food bowl with Attack Kitten Food. "

MAGIC - Bubble Wrap Routine

mASF Forum - guest: "OMG, you're awesome, I love you, I want to adopt you. You're like my little sister. I'd wrap you up in bubble wrap, and ship you to Milan with me, on the way you could pop all the bubbles and it would be so much fun. Then we'd go shopping for pimp clothes, and you'd walk around on my arm (take her arm) and EVERY GIRL WOULD BE JEALOUS OF YOU."


mASF Forum - guest: "I did trust and comfort, sexual predator stuff, went off about how I hope she's not planning on just using me like a piece of meat and how I have feelings too, etc. Actually I used some of the exact same lines I had used via email without even realizing it. She was like, I want to ask you a question and I want you to answer seriously. Were you serious about all that stuff about not wanting me to sleep with you and use you for your body? My answer: COMPLETELY. To which she was like, wait, I still can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. "

Monday, January 24, 2005

Control CF...DONT be a MONKEY!

mASF Forum - chaachaa: "If I go full on C&F I end up as a cool/funny guy to hang with, but that's TD put's it... a bit of a dancing monkey (which isn't a sexually attractive thing). "

EXPECT women to do as you say

mASF Forum - chaachaa: "That really is a big difference over most guys,
and I am sure my voice tone and body language relate this to her. Most guys ask for a number 'hoping' she will give it, surprised if she does. I am shocked if she doesn't.
Here is another example. I ask my male friend to do something for me and I am not sure if he will. If I ask an employee to do something for me then I expect it done just as
fast as humanely possible. In both situations I ask, but in the situation with the employee it is nonverbally understood, that while I am 'being nice' asking, I expect what I
want to be done. Same with women. If they are single and I can make them smile with my first couple of comments the I really expect her to want my number and to get to
know me. It would be in her best interest. "

Have her seduce YOU

mASF Forum - chaachaa: "And I never act like I plan on sex. Usually I act like we are just hanging out, and let the woman seduce me. So they usually have to 'persuade' me to stay the night or let
them stay. It seems like the more I try not to sleep with them, the more they try to sleep with me. Oh, and I do turn women down. I won't always stay the night, or let them
stay, and I keep it unpredictable. ",8

First Date Bloopers...Cancelling Dates/Being Maamu'd(fooled)

mASF Forum - chaachaa: "As for getting good, I did it the same way I became confident. I screwed up a lot, and kept doing it. I noticed after I started getting numbers, I had a large amount of girls
calling and canceling the meeting before we got together. So, just to see what would happen, I started calling the girl before we were to meet and canceling the date. I would
just say something came up, and I was sorry I wouldn't be able to make it. I noticed women I broke dates with start calling me. And if I set something up the next time, they
rarely broke the date. Also, when I had no shows (they stood me up), I would call them the next day, and expect the voice mail. I would leave a message to the effect of how
sorry I was I didn't show up, and I didn't have their number or I would have called, and since I stood them up, I wouldn't blame them if they never talked to me again, but I just
felt I should call and at least say sorry. LOL Lot's of girls would call me back, and just say it was no big deal, and if we set a second get together up, they usually showed. It
was weird. Now though, it's been a long time since a girl broke plans with me."

Magic Formula: BUST and then SMILE

mASF Forum - chaachaa: "I learned this from one very hot woman I dated. I tried engaging her on several occasions, at different times. Each time she would kinda respond, but immediately go back to
talking with friends and ignoring me. After one such time, I told her something to the effect that no matter how good she looked, acting like a spoiled stuck up brat would
always keep her single. Holy shit, she tore into me. I was a dick, an ass, how dare I, etc... I kept my cool, and just started smiling and leaning back and slightly nodding.

After a few minutes she finally clued in on my body language and asked why I was smiling. I told her I knew she would probably be fun if I could just get past her bitch
shield. She laughed at this, we ended up talking and dating for 3 or 4 months. "

Don't be cautious...BUST BUST BUST and look in the EYES:)

mASF Forum - chaachaa: "So, stop being cautious. Sometimes I say things that are just too arrogant. Rather than apologize, or say I was only kidding, I just believe in myself, and I know, no matter
how it came across, I meant it as teasing, so I will look her in the eye and nod slowly and say 'yeah, I said it.' Now, I say those words exactly like I was saying, 'cummon,
don't you enjoy humor?' Most of the time the girls will punch you in the arm, or blush, and you can watch the attraction go up. Mainly because I stood firm in myself without
getting self conscious or nervous or back peddling. "

Nice! I care about YOU, just not about what you THINK of me

mASF Forum - chaachaa: "Now, I care about people, but not what they think about me. "

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Three Body Language MUST

Read topic starting at message #199454: "So, to summarize nB's 3 BL techs:
1) underlook - head tilted down SLIGHTLY, eyes looking up
2) sidelook - head SLIGHLTY directed toward target, eyes look back and to the side at her
3) sexy walk - lead with hips SLIGHTLY, lifted chest
And don't forget: subtle = sexy, trying too hard = gay"

Tilted Head Look...HOT!

Read topic starting at message #199454: "Regarding the head tilt, I first noticed this from looking at pictures of hot girls. Initially I didn't get wtf was so sexy about their look. When I analyzed it, I found that their head was tilted down and their eyes were looking up. Other times they would look over their shoulder at you. And in videos they would lead with their lower body and move their hips a lot. Well, I tried this out in the mirror, and let me tell you I looked fucking gay.

But then someone showed me the famous Marlon Brando Streetcar pic:
Some guys think it's the wrinkled brow, or the tense lower lid, or the squinted eyes. But the KEY IMO is that his head is tilted down and he is looking up at you."

Sleepy Eye Look

Study the EYE

Read topic starting at message #192873: "'Pupil watching was used by the ancient Chinese gem traders who watched for the pupil dilation of their buyers when nego�tiating prices. Centuries ago, prostitutes put drops of belladonna in their eyes to dilate their pupils and to make themselves appear more desirable. The late Aristotle Onassis was noted for wearing dark glasses when negotiating business deals so that his eyes would not reveal his thoughts."

SLEEPY Eyes! Yeah Baby...have SOMETHING Natural in me that works

Read topic starting at message #192873: "AWESOME feedback guys! Thanks! I just wanted to comment on the 3 looks being virtually the same (sleepy, sexual and pleasure).. Agree! And by doing these, not only do we affect girls.. we also affect ourself at the animal level, cutting through the 'noise' of the thought level (insecurity, doubt, need, planning, analysis etc..)"

Wow...this is something I do every damn day to draw IOIs:)) And now there's proof I'm not the only one.


A woman can fix what attracts men to her: breast size, lip fullness, hip-to-waist ratio. The Method is plastic surgery for men, allowing them to make over their occupations, their confidence, their social status. It reminds me of a Chris Rock routine in which Rock's girlfriend accuses him of lying. “You lie! You lie all the time!” he responds. “Your breasts aren't that big—you're wearing a push-up bra! You aren't that tall—you're wearing heels!” Mystery's minions believe that they have been duped by women their whole lives. The Method, as they see it, just levels the playing field.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Approaching the UNAPPROACHABLE

If she seems unapproachable - Fast Seduction 101 Player Guide: "Women want someone to kiss and to hold. Someone to have coffee with and to go to the pictures or to see a show with. They feel horrible if they don't have anyone. Many women think: 'If only a decent guy would come along. Thats all I ask for'. Some even cry themselves to sleep wishing to meet this guy and to at least have the opportunity to sort through their dates to find one. They know that without dating this can't happen."


Fast Seduction 101 Player Guide Board - Touching First?: "There are other body language gestures that indicate that she is going to be happy if you touch them, just look if she is atracted to you just a little, and don't feel threatened. When touching the most important thing is your attitude, not making a big deal of it or seeming insecure, just be natural, it must seem that you did it uncousciously. That makes her feel that you are sexually atracted to her in a palatable way for her.
KINO really makes the diference. "

Kinaesthetics (aka kino) - MUST READ!

Kinaesthetics (aka kino) - have kino with your female friends/acquaintances - Fast Seduction 101 Player Guide

Reading body language

Reading body language - Fast Seduction 101 Player Guide: "Her lips:
Big smiles with upper and lower teeth showing with a relaxed face.
Biting of the lips or showing of the tongue, licking her lips or touching of her front teeth.
She wets her lips, some women use only a single-lip lick, wetting the upper or lower lip, while others run the tongue around the entire lip area.
She puts her fingernail between her teeth.
She protrudes her lips and thrust her breasts forward.
Her eyes:
She gazes in your eyes with deep interest and her pupils are dilated.
She raises both eyebrows exaggeratedly for a couple of seconds, this is often combined with a smile and some eye contact.
She winks at you while talking to you or winks at you from a distance.
While talking to you, she blinks more than usual, fluttering her eyelashes.
Eyebrows raised and then lowered, then a smile indicates interest in you.
Her hair:
She pushes her fingers through her hair. This can be one hand movement or more of a stroking motion.
She twirls her hair around her fingers while she is looking at you.
She is throwing her hair back off her shoulders.
Her clothing:
If she is wearing clothes that show her nipples underneath and you notice they are getting perky and erect.
The hem goes up to expose a little more leg.
She is fixing, patting or smoothing her outfit to make herself look better.
While she is seated:
She moves in time to the music, with her eyes on you.
She starts sitting straight up and her muscles appear to be firm.
She is sitting with her legs open.
She sits with her legs crossed in a manner to reveal her thigh.
Her legs are rubbing against each other.
Her legs are rubbing against the leg of the table.
Her crossed leg is pointed towards you or if that sa"

Mr. Smooth technique - Fast Seduction 101 Player Guide

Mr. Smooth technique - Fast Seduction 101 Player Guide: "Temporarily interacting with other people lets the girls feel, how dull and boring it actually is when you're not paying any attention to them - which will urge them to win back your attention and KEEP it:)"

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Getting WOMEN to approach YOU

*t-shirts with interesting text or images (something enigmatic is best), or relatively obscure references to things you're interested in - bands, upscale beers, obscure quotes... (great for finding people with similar interests!)

*coat and button up shirt. looks great on virtually all guys, particularly if you get a good coat. and if you wear this outfit somewhere it's not normally seen - like to class or a low-key bar or something. women now have an excuse to talk to you: to inquire why you're dressed the way you are.

- do something she can watch. dance, if you're good at that, or play pool or darts. or if this park PU, play games with your friends or do something else that shows off your bodily prowess. or bring a dog along and play with it. or whatever. the point is that it gives her an excuse to hover near you and look at you, and then something to comment on.


I was standing in front of the Berkeley BART (subway) station talking on the phone, about to head home. I see a Gorgeous asian love walk by. I go for EC, but get nothing. Hmmm... -my old AFC thoughts creep in- hmmm.... she's probably not interested, no EC. HA!

But, the training kicks in, I'm like a fucking predator. I know that I want this girl. There's lots of girls to approach but rarely do they attract me like this one. So, I immediately start to follow her. I'm still on the phone and trying to end my conversation quick. I lose her for a second as she passes the turnstiles and heads down for the train. I put my ticket in and continue the pursuit.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


mASF Forum - guest: "jlaix: whats up slut. why don't you come over, get wasted, have group sex and then let me blow a load all over your fucking face?
HB(1 hour later): I have to work early so maybe tomorrow",16e#202737

The CHIC Mentality..KNOW IT

"Going out, for a chick, is all about her own social standing relative to the group of people who make up what she thinks of as her important circles of friendships. They always want to out-hot one another, out-get-approached-by-guys one another, out-flirt-with-the-cutest-boy-until-he-cums-in-his-pants one another. But one way they do that, is by NOT doing it overtly. The whole "overt" thing isn't female. Whenever dealing with women, think "double reversal" or "reverse psychology." Whatever seems obvious and effective to you, do the opposite.",8e#200750

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Only YOU care...those AROUND YOU dont give shit!

mASF Forum - guest: "you say you think other people around might here what you are saying and know what you are doing. Let me suggest, who cares what they think you are doing and that they hear what you are saying? Nobody cares about your success except you.....really. Think about it. How much would it effect YOUR life if you overheard some guy open a girl in a bookstore?

Secondly, the way to do this is to feel the fear and do it anyways....that was my mantra for day time approaches for a logn time, and I originally read it from this site (credit Formhandle) You WILL fear nervous, and such more than it anyways you will see its not so bad. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. do it."

Monday, January 17, 2005

Are you a LOSER or NOT?

Read topic starting at message #197561: "Yeah there's another thing.. to naturals, this stuff is *NORMAL*. No emotional swings or raised eye brows. More like having a cup of coffee.. A SHB once told me that the best way to know if a guy was a loser or not was to see if he started treating her very different after they had sex."


Read topic starting at message #197561: "Hey, I think the frame to have is two fold. One, is the alpha frame: you are too cool for every one, even the SHBs. But secondly you are also an extremely extroverted guy and you LOVE to have fun, so you RELUCTANTLY approach, in a way thats kinda doing the girls a favour.

That way they enter you REALITY.

Then you hit the brakes. You are back to your alpha self. Cool, calm, occasionally CF, not trying too hard. Ball busting, frame maintaining...everything else. This works best for guys with less in the ways of looks because good looking guys get approached automatically so they can be even more congruent by not even approaching.

But here is the good news. By making the approach you are letting an ounce of your wonderful personality out.

keep it in the Field!

PDaddy (1st post btw)"


Read topic starting at message #201772: "On 1/14/05 9:19:00 PM, K G wrote:
>I actually do this alot. Just
>move slower. The one who move
>faster will instinctively
>move. I mean would you walk in
>to a light post or a clothes

I thought this topic was utterly silly but this advice here is golden! Great! I think this advice is good for other situations too. Moving slow is just soo damn alpha!"

Asking Chics Questions Needy? Food for thought

Read topic starting at message #201132: "Dont ask questions! (General rule for PU so didn't write it there.)

Questions are needy in nature and trigger her logic brain instead of emotional brain."


Read topic starting at message #202164: "Absolutely! It's easy. Just 'Hi' as you are face to face and then if she hasn't stopped just plant yourself or maybe even keep walking forward SLOWLY and run ANY opener. After I did this about 20 times they started boomeranging back, just like TD promised."


mASF Forum - guest: "don't put yourself down '5'7 Asian guy!!'. There are way too many people who will do this for you. I was 140lbs 5'9 asian guy about 2 yrs ago and people walked all over me. Joined a gym, hated going there as the scrawniest guy lifting weights and 2 years later, nobody argues with me in person or looks me in the eye disrespectfully. period. "


: "The Asshole Rock Star is:

- Unique and he knows it, that�s why he�s an asshole! :)
- Grounded firmly in his own reality
- Stands out from every other person in the environment
- Doesn�t give a shit what anyone else thinks of him
- Looks like he gets so much pussy, his dick would be sore for a month :)

This style relies heavily on body language and internal game, so if you don�t
have those then this style probably won�t work for you. "