Magic Formula: BUST and then SMILE
mASF Forum - chaachaa: "I learned this from one very hot woman I dated. I tried engaging her on several occasions, at different times. Each time she would kinda respond, but immediately go back to
talking with friends and ignoring me. After one such time, I told her something to the effect that no matter how good she looked, acting like a spoiled stuck up brat would
always keep her single. Holy shit, she tore into me. I was a dick, an ass, how dare I, etc... I kept my cool, and just started smiling and leaning back and slightly nodding.
After a few minutes she finally clued in on my body language and asked why I was smiling. I told her I knew she would probably be fun if I could just get past her bitch
shield. She laughed at this, we ended up talking and dating for 3 or 4 months. "
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