EXPECT women to do as you say
mASF Forum - chaachaa: "That really is a big difference over most guys,
and I am sure my voice tone and body language relate this to her. Most guys ask for a number 'hoping' she will give it, surprised if she does. I am shocked if she doesn't.
Here is another example. I ask my male friend to do something for me and I am not sure if he will. If I ask an employee to do something for me then I expect it done just as
fast as humanely possible. In both situations I ask, but in the situation with the employee it is nonverbally understood, that while I am 'being nice' asking, I expect what I
want to be done. Same with women. If they are single and I can make them smile with my first couple of comments the I really expect her to want my number and to get to
know me. It would be in her best interest. "
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