Thursday, January 20, 2005

Getting WOMEN to approach YOU

*t-shirts with interesting text or images (something enigmatic is best), or relatively obscure references to things you're interested in - bands, upscale beers, obscure quotes... (great for finding people with similar interests!)

*coat and button up shirt. looks great on virtually all guys, particularly if you get a good coat. and if you wear this outfit somewhere it's not normally seen - like to class or a low-key bar or something. women now have an excuse to talk to you: to inquire why you're dressed the way you are.

- do something she can watch. dance, if you're good at that, or play pool or darts. or if this park PU, play games with your friends or do something else that shows off your bodily prowess. or bring a dog along and play with it. or whatever. the point is that it gives her an excuse to hover near you and look at you, and then something to comment on.


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