Sunday, March 18, 2007

nonverbal communication rocks

Two way NVC is probably the sweetest thing you can experience aside from physical contact. Not only is it exhilerating and always enjoyable to both parties involved (to the point that it often results in uncontrollable giggling or snickering by both parties), but it is also what makes 10 minute lays possible. It is a level of intimacy normally only seen between long term lovers, yet with you it just happens naturally.. coincidence? No - you are a natural born lover, of course.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Continuous flow

Approach (Assuming time is important)

1. Guy walks up, delivers opener goes into story.
2. Girl reacts positively.
3. Guy feels he needs more attraction, goes into another story,
irrelevant to first one.
4. Girl reacts positively again.
5. Guy waits, thinks of what to do next.
6. Guy starts getting some rapport, asks questions.
7. Guy waits some more thinking he needs more time for a solid close.
8. Guy asks some more questions, unsure if she's attracted enough,
looking for IOI's.
9. Girl is confused about his lack of confidence and doesn't
understand his true intentions so says she's gotta go.
10. Guy tries last ditch effort and attempts to close.
11. Girl doesn't give number, because she's being congruent with step

Cold Approach (Continuous Flow of Action)

1. Guy walks up, delivers opener goes into story.
2. Girl reacts positively.
3. Without hesitation, guy immediately starts to connect, asking basic
questions. (School, work, etc)
4. Guy teases a bit about her answers.
5. Guy realizes he doesn't have much to say, so gets to the point.
6. Guy says "Well I'm off to meet some friends, but let's do coffee
7. Because guy is clear and confident, girl agrees, solid close.

Back to your place (Assuming time is important)

1. Guy walks girl into his place.
2. Girl sits down on couch, guy does also.
3. Guy thinks about what routine he needs to spike BT.
4. Guy starts spouting non-sequitur routine to give her time to be
turned on.
5. Girl confused, closes up a bit.
6. Guy not seeing IOI's, waits, thinks of another routine, starts to
deliver it.
7. Girl gets up and says she has to go.

Back to your place (Continuous Flow of Action)

1. Guy walks girl to his place.
2. Guy tells girl to take her shoes off.
3. Guy sits her in front of the tv, and turns it on.
4. Guy goes to fridge and prepares 2 glasses of red wine.
5. Guy comes back and toasts to good times.
6. Guy tells short joke, girl laughs.
7. Guy goes for kiss.

The idea is that you provide her with instructions at every point and
make it clear how she should respond. Intentions are always clear,
actions are always confident and calculated. The man knows the entire
plan from point A to point B, and always assumes she's ready to go. No
hesitation, no indecisiveness. This is truly what attracts women -
much much more than *any* canned material. Her emotions are engaged
150% on overdrive. You are putting her IN THE ROMANCE NOVEL.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Direct Game Inspiration

I have used direct approaches numerous of times and it yet to fail me. In fact I find it very ironic that you have the following in your profile: “matrix theory: In short, media programmes us and tells us what to do. You are following the system without realising it. Play by your own rules. There, i saved you a load of cash!” Yet you obviously have a problem with direct approaches, which is in fact all about the inner game.

Here is what my friend had to say on a topic of direct approaches with the example of David X.

Who gives a fuck, if it works for you use it, dont seek validation from people who might be complete geeks with no social skills who say it doesn't work... I agree, a nerd who is a pussy walking up to a chick and saying i want to know about you wont work, it isnt congruent, but i believe his rules are good, HE DOESNT WANT YOU BE HIM, he wants you to live your own life, thats all the rules are based on, live your life for yourself, not her, and if you dont want to do that then your already whipped.... The 2 rules are just living your own life put into words.

The thing i notice is alot of guys who worship the mystery method actually rely on stories and gimicks to create high value for themselves BECAUSE THEY DONT FUCKING BELIEVE THEY HAVE ANY TO START WITH !?
Get it, David X talks about you having the fucking power, not her, your the most important person in your life, not her, and to follow all these stages from attraction to rapport is totally UN-NATURAL AND INCONGRUENT with who i am..

Im not going to go up to a chick and say um hey guys, who lies more, men or women ??
Because in reality i couldnt give a fuck, why do i need an excuse to talk to women ?? you don't, and all you are doing is creating them, another example...
OH Hey Sarah, wait aren;t you friends with joel, oh yer i know him, yer sweet, where you work...
Its all the same shit, your looking for excuses to talk to her, why do you need one ?? so society can deem it acceptable ?? stop being a fucking bitch.

You have to remember, this way of thinking david x promotes is NOT EASY, example... Your in a class in college, you see a chick you like sitting down front with her friends, now 99% of people i know (guys) talk about how hot she is, oh yer she does this this and shit, yer those pants make her ass look hot, not ONE, NO ONE, in that whole class had the balls to go and actually speak to her accept me, i simply went down sat next to her said hi, and started chatting about what i was thinking, i even said, you realise every guy in this room goes home and fantasizes about you, yet none have the balls to do anything, and she cracked up laughing, i set up a meeting with her and we chatted etc, and shit is going well, to do this you CANT be a pussy, it takes a lot of fucking balls, A LOT, if your a pussy this wont work for you, you need to be a man, and not care what they think, THATS why it works...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Enough of comedy. GET A LIFE

topic: Focus and Direction (1 of 52)
board: Advanced
from: TylerDurden / profile / recent posts by TylerDurden
(first login: August, 19, 2002 03:36 AM)
date: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 09:28 AM
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Here's a little piece of my reality.

Some of you will probably think it's screwed up. Others will be entertained by it.. As long as it's interesting, whatever people get from it is cool with me.

I'm browsing the board, about to start another day of work. I like to keep in touch with the kinds of concerns that the average guy has.

While I'm reading about all the things that most guys worry about, it's hard for me not to be blown away. I understand it in abstract. I used to have a lot of the same tendencies. But at this point, on a personal level, I just don't relate. Like, "Wow, some of these guys really lack focus.. They just lack direction in life."

Most people walk through life in a trance, and rarely pause to consider what they're doing.

Life becomes a reactive haze, where you just live through your habits. Wake up, go to work, watch TV, surf the web, have a bit of fun, go to sleep.

There is no proactive steering of the ship. Just emotional reactions to things as they come up.

They have concepts of what they deserve. Their places in life. Emotions that they can handle, and emotions that are outside of their capacity to process.

That's MOST of society.

As creatures of habit, it's almost impossible to break day-to-day repetition and implement a new routine.

And yet, it's that new routine that only makes a 0.001% difference on a day-to-day, but ADDS UP over several years.

I turned twentysix this year, and my life is very different than when I was 22 or 23.

I feel my time a LOT more now. From the minute I wake up, to the minute I go to sleep, I feel my time being drained from me.

That's FINE. But if it's being drained, there is a VERY clear cut line in my mind as to what kind of things it's going to be spent on.

Replying to long emails... NO.

Answering long phone calls... NO.

Dealing with drama... NO.

Gossiping... NO.

Dwelling on stuff that I logically know is dumb... NO.

Watching any TV or movie that isn't highly creative and perspective altering... NO.

Living in cities that aren't world class calibre... No.

Time wasting... NO FUCKING WAY.

People who aren't living at a standard that I respect... CUT OFF.

Guys who waste my time... BYE BYE.

This stuff is ALL cut out of my life.

If I sense this kind of thing going on, I feel a wretching feeling in my gut and cut it off ASAP.

I wake up every morning ready to work. Another 16 hour work day... I'm all for it.

To me, this is a RACE... A race against time... While the world is choding around, I'm living my life.

Wake up.



Morning briefing with Papa.

Plan the day.








Go out and practise my skills.


Wake up and do it again.


When I do something fun (and I do every day), it's going to be VERY FUCKING FUN..

My life is very focused. I want to dominate. I want a LOT.

I understand that most people don't want this lifestyle. Some people are probably just as happy, if not more happy than I am. Whatever works for them works for them. But this is what works for me.

In my mind, life is for the taking. I will continue to travel to ALL the best places. I will continue to eat the best food. I will continue to bed the hottest women. I will have the most talented people around me and meet many more.

I will dominate my environments and work continually to make 0.001% improvements that add up over a period of time. At all times I have little projects on the go that to most people would seem to be moving at a snail's pace. That's what my progress with women was like. But I had a clear cut vision and was willing to do whatever it took to achieve it.

The biggest thing I have is MOMENTUM.

To the average guy reading this, it's hard to grasp.

Where would he start? It sound exhausting...

Well, for a lot of guys it probably is. It just depends. There are a lot of people who want all the REWARDS, but few people who would actually put in the work. A lot of people say that happiness is ENTIRELY internal, and if that's the case then perhaps I'm doing things the wrong way.

I've been in that "I don't know where to start" position, and what I did was JUST START. Then over time, as more paths became clear, I had enough things on the go to give my life the focus and direction that it has now.

A lot of people who see my busy lifestyle would immediately condemn it and hate on it. They'd say that it isn't balanced.

Well, that's cool. But my view is different. And to be honest, I don't always see these guys as being all that happy themselves. They just pay it more lip-service.

I grew up in a small town in Canada. If it weren't for Papa pulling me out of it and showing me what was out there, I'd be working a boring job and coming home to some mediocre woman that I didn't want. Right now I'm VERY happy, and more importantly SATISFIED living my current lifestyle. I'm at the perfect age for it.

I'm in a hustler mentality. I want EXTREME FUN and EXTREME SUCCESS. I feel that drive at all times, and I relate to guys who have that same drive.

The average dumb shit that bothers most guys doesn't even hit my radar.

Things like approach anxiety...

Or people doing petty shit to try to annoy me...

Or relationships that aren't working...

Or the inevitable temporary failure that comes before success (even failure of things that I put massive amounts of work into)...


I have such a hard time relating to how anybody could feel ANY emotional reaction to this stuff - it's so OUTSIDE OF MY REALITY.. When I see guys who have this and I literally feel like I'm talking to insane people.

I'm playing at a different level. Unless something is BIG, I'm NUMB to it.

Things feel a lot smaller when your vision and perspective is a lot bigger..

So that's my lifestyle. That's why I don't get things like "approach anxiety" or "one-itis" anymore.

I just don't have time for it! :)

Anyway, I'm getting back to work.

RSD (c) 2005
100% Content - 0 % Political Flame Bullshit

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topic: Focus and Direction (2 of 52)
board: Advanced
from: victorj / profile / recent posts by victorj
(first login: April, 10, 2005 09:05 PM)
date: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 10:58 AM
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You should get into real estate, where focus and social skills like yours will take you very far.

I think you will find it most interesting and mind blowing Tyler.

My challenge for you:
1. Give it 1 day of your time to look into, and you'll see.

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Saturday, December 24, 2005

HOW do you know what you *THINK* you know? (you dont)

OK, I'm going to be really critical and specific. HOW do you KNOW that they aren't attracted? Or are you just GUESSING?

Riker from this board wrote up a couple of FRs where he stated that chicks weren't attracted. In fact the one chick was REALLY interested in him, but he couldn't see it cuz his own low self esteem interpreted the chick NOT being interested. So he started doing all this bullshit to get her interested, when in essence all he needed to do was just sit back, chill and get to know her on a more personal level. Instead him not understading what was REALLY happening blew the entire PU. You see what I'm getting at?

Don't guess or you'll be shooting blanks in the dark and getting nowhere fast! Find out what's REALLY going on!

This is why I wrote that so few guys REALLY know what image they are projecting. They only know what they THINK they are projecting. HUGE difference!


I hope I hammered that in there hard enough so you get it now! :)


Monday, May 23, 2005

Threesomes: How to get them

Clifford: Can you elaborate on what you and your girlfriend do in
bars and night clubs to meet women?

David: We go in as a team, with her on my arm, showing how good
our relationship it. This sends the message that no woman can get
between us, and this is also very att ractive to women. We start
with small talk and build rapport. Then I read the woman's palm
and find out if she is bisexual. If so, I demonstrate that I am
congruent with her reality, and then she becomes very attracted to
us. Then my girlfriend gets flirty with the woman and they get
those bi-indicators going back and forth. Then I hug and kiss the
woman. Then my girlfriend hugs and kisses the woman. Then we go
for the close.

Clifford: For more information about David Shade and his Masterful
Lover products check out his website. In fact, he has a new video
course on how to get threesomes:

Razorjack on LMR!

Excellent post, my swash-buckling brotha! :)

First I gotta give props to you and Woodhaven! You've
both been putting up some EXCELLENT posts lately. The
fact that you guys are succeeding in Boston none the
less, is quite impressive! Having lived there for 3
years, I know how tough it is to PU there.

Maybe I'll come and visit Boston next year and you
guys can teach me some stuff! LOL! :)

Getting back on topic now! :)

I agree with everything you wrote about the 2 kinds of

You know me bro, I'm a lazy-ass bastard that doesn't
like to make things too complicated! :)

So I found one way to deal with BOTH kinds of LMR. I
don't do the freeze outs or Riker's 3 rules, etc. I
found that chicks really just want a VERBAL
reassurance, that's all.

Here's a couple of examples:

Once at a night club I get hit on by a party chick and
we've been talking and kinoing each other for about 20

HB: We better be careful about where this is going.
RJ(remove kino but no freeze out): Ah it's OK, we
don't have to have sex.
HB(looking stunned): But what if I want sex though?!!
RJ(fire up kino again): Well that can be arranged too!
Let's get outta here!

Grab her hand, out the club, into a cab and back to my
place to take care of business! :)

Last week, I get hit on by a chick who's friend I
hooked up with a few months ago. This chick is NOT the
party type as she's completely sober and telling me
how jealous she was of her friend getting with me when
I was totally her type! :)

Anyways she was looking for a relationship with me. We
left the club to get coffee and we got kino and make
out happening:

RJ: Hey, you think you can give me a ride home later.
HB: Sure.
RJ: Since you live outside of town and it's getting
late, why don't you spend the night at my place and
drive home in the morning.
HB: But we've only just met.
RJ(remove kino): Ah it's OK, we don't have to have
HB(looking stunned): Well if you don't want to have
sex with me, then I'm definitely not going to your

So we drive back to my place. Keep in mind that we
still haven't exchanged numbers yet. I'm trying to
escalate, she's getting horny but keeps resisting her
own urges. Finally it's late and she says she really
needs to go home. I tell her OK, no problem.

My whole attitude was that it didn't matter one-way or
the other if we had sex or not, I was glad to have met
her. She goes out the door and waiting for me to
suggest that we exchange numbers, but I never do.

I just tell her it was great meeting her and that she
should drive carefully since it was dark outside. She
leaves as I close the door. 10 minutes later there is
a knock on my door, guess who it is? :)

HB: My car won't start, is it OK if I stay here
tonight and call a tow truck tomorrow?
RJ: Yeah sure, no problem.

Then she strips down to her thong and jumps into bed
with me. We then proceed to get down for the next 4
hours! :)

Would you guys be surprised if I told you that her car
MIRACULOUSLY started up the next day? :)

Indifference my brotha! You gotta make it look like
sex doesn't matter one way or another to you. Works 2

1. For the party chicks, it's like a blow to their
ego! "Doesn't he find me attractive enough to have sex
with or maybe he thinks I'm not good at sex? I'll show
him!" :)

2. For normal chicks that want more than just sex,
they realize that they will lose you if they don't do
what they REALLY wanted to do. The whole reason for
them holding out on sex was NOT to lose you in the
first place. When you show them that is exactly what
will happen if they don't get with it, then they come
around! :)


Sunday, May 01, 2005

ONS: Ultimate Shit

Im going to get straight to the point assuming there is no need to write much more than can be remembered anyway.
Since the point is a gamestyle for quick lays, you should be behaving like a guy who is suitable for it.

A lot of guys actually screw up a good lay potential by "gaming" while they should be fucking. Im not talking about the 7 hour thing. Thats a different style. If you get too much into rapport
the girl will rethink sleeping with you, since the interaction wont be a "were going to fuck later" type of interaction. That'll be the vibe.

Which girl will fuck a guy one hour after she told him her childhood camp or dead bunny. It wont happen.
Thats more for types that you want to keep around, you have the rapport attraction and the sex comes later. I personally dont want to keep around every girl I have sex with as in any type of relationship.

OTOH, for quick lays, the message you should be conveying is, "I live by the day and enjoy every moment" type of stuff. Which obviously includes "I fuck who I want to fuck at any given time, I only need to want to".
When you get her into your frame, which shouldnt be a problem if you know about the strong reality concept, you'll be laying her pretty soon.

Some things that convey this are:

-Acting extreme, as in not caring what others think

Extreme is pretty good actually. Not weird extreme. As in extreme confidence. Shy/dumb girls will look up to you and perceive you as higher value since they cant behave like that.
Social/extreme girls will love it since you'll be on the same wave. You'll understand eachother.

-Having stories that your a spontaneous guy and live life moment to moment

Basically conveys that you live like this so its normal to have sex pretty soon, without knowing eachother for hours/days/weeks.

-Being TOO comfortable doing anything you want

These majorly include things like slap her ass to tease her or when she shittests you. And doing other stuff that convey sexual awareness and relax ness. Youre setting up the right vibe early on so the shift wont be problematic.

i.e. The traveller or rebelic types work miracles in combination with the above characteristics and behaviors, since they can fit perfectly into eachother.

Thoughts comments are welcome


If life's a bitch, be its PIMP